Events Calendar

Here's a list of our events for this month.

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Low Moor Club Jammin'

Tuesday 12 November - 7:30pm to 10:00pm

If you’re looking for a chilled evening with good company, good beer and great entertainment then Low Moor Club is the place to be.
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 pm.

Low Moor Club, St Paul's Street, Clitheroe BB7 2LS

We have some crackin’ good players come along who may well treat you to a rendition of Lee Morgan’s Sidewinder or similar. Equally, and just as importantly, we have players like me! Still got a way to go! It’s about having the opportunity to play with a solid back line and feeling comfortable to take part.

Pay us a visit. It’s free, open to all and you’ll be made most welcome with or without an instrument.


Jazz Lam Low Moor Club